

The Menagerie

By J.S. Frankel

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Book Description
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Taking care of a pet is one thing, but when orphaned teenager Karen Fox is kidnapped to service an interstellar zoo, she gets more than she bargained for.

We do this for they bring us happiness.

We do this because they have no defense, nowhere else to go and no one to care for them.

We do this in order so that they may teach us what it means to be different, and for us to embrace that difference.

Karen Fox, sixteen and recovering from a terrible car crash that claimed the lives of her parents, dreams only of becoming physically able once more. Hearing a strange voice that comes from somewhere near her hospital, she investigates and is kidnapped by an automated ship transporting interstellar animals to a safe haven. Knowing nothing about how to take care of them and disliking animals to begin with, Karen learns the value of caring for interstellar life. And when a marauding band of poachers attacks the vessel, intending to seize all the animals, Karen is forced to fight for her own life as well as the animals she has come to care for.

General Release Date: 22nd March 2016

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-752-4
Word Count: 64,025
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 172

About the author
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J.S. Frankel

J.S. Frankel was born in Toronto, Canada, a good number of years ago and managed to scrape through the University of Toronto with a BA in English Literature.  In 1988 he moved to Japan and started teaching ESL to anyone who would listen to him. In 1997, he married the charming Akiko Koike and their union produced two sons, Kai and Ray. J.S. Frankel makes his home in Osaka where he teaches English by day and writes by night until the wee hours of the morning.

You can check out his blog and follow J.S. on Facebook and Twitter.

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by Crystal's Many Reviewers

I love Frankel’s style I have read his books and always been taken out of myself and into the world that he paints with his words. A master at making you feel like you are there living in the ship...

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  Reviewed by Molly Lolly

I loved the adventure and the sense of discovery in the story. Plus the concepts of how animals should be treated, what constitutes enough care and where home is, are woven into the story story well....

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